Wednesday 16 March 2011

The Sacred Heart of Naur

Ian , I am pleased that you find my musings of some use and not a distraction from the challenge of writing the image. Yes, I think that it is right to go back to St. Margaret Mary's description which somehow was completely ignored by artists. She is quite explicit about the heart being transparent like a crystal. This also fits with the Teilhard's ideas and it is also evident in the Pinta picture. I wonder if Pinta actually bothered to go back to St. Mary Margaret's words and decided to stress the light and glow of the heart, rather than the use the image that we invariably find? My guess is that he did. And it is obvious why Teilhard valued this image so very much. IThe Sacred Heart has to be about light and fire - the golden glow. As we looked at your wonderful work last night my immediate thought was to think of the eucharist. For Teilhard the Sacred Heart and the Eucharist was the same thing. When we go to mass we consume and are consumed by the Sacred Heart. I will have more to say about this in later blogs, but I think that the white centre at the centre of the globe is the blessed sacrament. As we look at an image of the Sacred Heart it should, I believe, prompt us - inter alia - to contemplate the mystery of the eucharist. I don't know whether the white centre was intentionally designed to remind us of the eucharist, but it does!! Our prayers are with you as you work on the 'Sacred Heart of Naur'.

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