Wednesday 16 February 2011

Thanks Ian

I never knew that being an iconographer involved such a jet-set lifestyle! I wish Ian the best of luck and God's speed as he travels to the middle east to carry on his work. I remember when I asked him if he were interested in this commission he told me that it was interesting that having never been asked to do a Sacred Heart, two commissions came along one after the other. So, perhaps the Lord is trying to tell us something! I should just like to record at this stage my thanks to Ian for participating in this blog. When we began I had no idea what it would involve. I knew that I wanted an image of the Sacred Heart using the ancient language of the icon and not some 'modern' image. And I knew that making an Icon was a spiritual experience as well as an intellectual and artistic experience. However, I have found this process to be a profoundly moving experience that has taken me deeper and deeper into the meaning and the significance of this devotion which has, for many reasons, fallen from favour. And I am the first to hold up my hand and admit that I was not a great fan of the devotion. But, having 'placed all my trust' in the Sacred Heart I am quite astounded by how my faith has been renewed - and yes 're-kindled'. But now is a good time to let Ian go away and do his stuff. I have bombarded him with so many ideas: they need to settle down. But I will continue to work on the blog and look forward to seeing his Sacred Heart for the apse in Amman.

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