Sunday 2 June 2013

Corpus Christi

The feast of Corpus Christi - when Catholics celebrate the real presence of the Body and Blood of Jesus in the Eucharist begins the week which includes (on Friday) the Feast of the Sacred Heart.  That is, of course,  very appropriate. The Sacred Heart has long been closely associated with the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.  It is significant, for example, that the revelations to St Margaret Mary occurred before the Blessed Sacrament.  Fr. John Hardon S.J. nicely sums up the relationship between the Sacred Heart and the Eucharist in these words:

Since Christ Our Lord is present in the Eucharist not only as God but as man; not only with His human soul but also with His body; not only in the substance of His body but with all its physical components and parts — it follows that the Blessed Sacrament contains the living Heart of Christ: the same that was formed by the Holy Ghost in the womb of the Virgin Mary, that was moved to compassion over the sins of Mary Magdalen and the sorrow of the widow of Naim, that was pierced on the Cross for our salvation and abides, in a glorified state, at the right hand of His heavenly Father. ( Read HERE )

Today was a very special Corpus Christi in that Pope Francis invited the world to join him in an act of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament @ 4.00 pm GMT.  Truly a  historic event  and one that is such a good idea!! ( It was well attended in my parish!)  I could think of no better a way to begin this month of devotion to the Sacred Heart.  Same time, same place next year?  More of this kind of thing, please. We are a universal Church, after all, 

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