Saturday 23 April 2011

Easter Saturday

Ian and I met up for a chat over tea at the National Gallery yesterday, Good Friday morning. We had much to say to one another and as we explored ideas it became apparent what a challenge this commission is - for both of us. But I think we left to go to our respective services in different parts of London with the feeling that things are becoming clearer. The words of Benedict on both Teilhard and on icons was, we agreed a great help. We exchanged Easter cards. I gave Ian a few of the cards which I have had produced which tries to show what the card on Teilhard's desk might have looked like. (GO HERE) In return for my computer generated example of mass produced art (!!) Ian presented me with a beautiful Easter Card which he has drawn especially for this Easter. I have taken the liberty of putting it up on the blog. My family were very moved by it, and it now has pride of place in our home. Thank you Ian. We will light a candle at the Easter vigil for you - by the statue of the Sacred Heart, of course. Have a safe journey back to the Holy Land.

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